Grant Details

“Parent Life” program support

Badgerland Youth for Christ


Badgerland Youth for Christ was awarded $1,500 to support “Parent Life“, which is an existing program for pregnant and parenting teens aged 13-19 living in Fond du Lac.  The mission of “Parent Life” is to provide participants mentoring and community connections to resources that help break the cycle of poverty and dysfunction that is common among parenting teens.

The goals of the program include:

The Family Resource Center, Advocap, Fond du Lac High School and Fond du lac County Social Services are collaborative partners and the program is expected to serve 25 parenting teens, fathers and their children.  An additional 50 parenting teens are expected to be served through a private Facebook page.

Learn more about Badgerland Youth for Christ

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2021 Badgerland Youth for Christ, Parent Life 2023 Parent Life 2019 Parent Life Program 2018 Parent Life – Pregnant & Parenting Teens Program 2017 “Parent Life” program support 2016 “Parent Life” program support